halal Ikan


selamat sore semua member
Saya mau tawarkan berbagaimacam ikan
Jenis ukuran harga kapasitas
Udang super 1-10/kg Rp95.000 700kg/hr
Udang glh A 11-20/kg Rp70.000 700kg/hr
Udang glh B 21-30/kg Rp65.000 700kg/hr
Udang glh C 31-35/kg Rp57.000 700kg/hr
Belut sawah 200-500gr Rp52000 50ton/bl
Ikan sidat 350-500gr Rp87000 50ton/bl keptg jt mrh 200-290gr Rp50000 1ton/hr keptg jt mrh 300-490gr Rp60000 1ton/hr
keptg jt mrh 500-690gr Rp80000 1ton/hr
Keptg jt mrh 700gr Up Rp95000 1ton/hr
Keptg jt htm 200-290gr Rp45000 1ton/hr
Keptg jt htm 300-490gr Rp55000 1ton/hr
Keptg jt htm 500-690gr Rp75000 1ton/hr
Keptg jt htm 700gr up Rp90000 1ton/hr
keptg btn telur 200-245gr Rp90000
keptg btn telur 250gr up Rp 97000
Kepiting bs export 200-290gr Rp 45000
kepiting bs export 300gr up Rp 50000
Harga cargo / fob bandara soekarno hatta jakarta

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