How are you, I hope everything is fine?. I'm so sorry I did  not inform you about my trip to UK,  it was urgent and  personal. Presently, I will be glad if I could confide in  you and I want this conversations to be confidential between You  and I because I don't want people to get worried about my  situation. I'm presently in Edinburgh (UK) for a seminar and to complete a project, but am having some problems  here. It has been a very sad and bad moment for me over  here and the present condition that i found myself is very  hard for me to explain. I misplaced my bag, mobile phone and other valuables was in  it on my way to the hotel I lodged. I am sending you this  e-mail from the city Library, I had to block my account and  my bank cards immediately the incident happened.
  I am  facing a hard time here because i have no money on me to  clear my Hotel bill and other expenses. Please I will like  you to assist me with a loan of 1150.00 pounds or any amount you  could afford to sort-out my hotel bills first and to get  myself back home. I have reported the case to the embassy  here and they are going through the necessary procedures  but I will appreciate whatever you can afford to assist me  with the said amount and I'll refund you the money as soon as I return.  Please let me know if you could help me with the total sum  or any amount you can afford.

I await your immediate reply.

Hendra Subrata.

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