[DUNIA_PROPERTY] This includes a wide range of subjects


This includes a wide range of subjects 

Bachelor of Arts. Bachelor of Arts degrees are typically given by U.S. institutions for all subjects that are considered "non-professional," or not intended for preparation for a specific career. This includes a wide range of subjects. Students studying the humanities typically earn Bachelor of Arts degrees, but so to students in the sciences. It's not unusual to see Bachelor of Arts degrees in chemistry, biology and psychology. This isn't a universal rule, however; some institutions only award Bachelor of Arts degrees in the arts and humanities. And…………… 

Bachelor of Science. In the U.S., most Bachelor of Science degrees apply to subjects that are intended for a specific career—students studying pre-medicine, finance, police science or nursing, for example, typically earn Bachelor of Science degrees. However, this is not universal among all U.S. colleges. Some schools award Bachelor of Science degrees to all students studying subjects in the hard sciences or social sciences.


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